
Sunday, September 05, 2004

Frank Rich Dislikes Bush, Prefers Johns

A few excerpts from a rather shockingly gay-baiting editorial in the New York Times by Frank Rich:

ONLY in an election year ruled by fiction could a sissy who used Daddy's connections to escape Vietnam turn an actual war hero into a girlie-man...

Mr. Bush was fronted by a testosterone-heavy lineup led by... a governor who can play the role of a warrior on screen more convincingly than can a former Andover cheerleader gallivanting on an aircraft carrier...

Of late, Mr. Bush's imagineers have publicized his proud possession of Saddam Hussein's captured pistol, which, in another of their efforts at phallic stagecraft, is said to be kept in the same study where the previous incumbent squandered his own weapon of masculinity on Monica Lewinsky...

Gee, awfully homophobic talk coming from a guy who used to review theater. Will Andrew Sullivan go after him for this the way he's gone after Zell Miller for, actually, not much other than one racial slur 40 years ago?

On the other hand, it does contain this priceless factoid:

When the Democrat asks "Who among us does not love Nascar?" and lets reporters follow him around on a "day off" when his errands include buying a jock strap, he is asking to be ridiculed as an "International Man of Mystery."

International Male catalog model would be more like it. But Kerry actually said "Who among us does not love Nascar?" (His aides are probably grateful he didn't say "doth not love" or "Whither Nascar?") Jeez, what a fa... n of theater.


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