Friday, September 03, 2004
1. Bush did very well. Which means he failed to lower expectations adequately for the debates. He's in trouble.
2. Kerry's late-night rambling from last night is embarassingly bad, legitimately raises questions (was he toasted? Medicated? Hasn't slept since Iowa?) Get ready for his stock to go up when he manages to keep his head from hitting the table with a loud thunk at the first debate.
3. Cheney-- where have we seen that ski-jump nose, that dry delivery out one side of the mouth of lame zingers like the one about Edwards being chosen for his hair, not to mention getting mild chuckles from pretending that you think you're irresistibly handsome? Here's a clue: substitute "Crosby" for "Edwards." Dick Cheney IS Bob Hope.
4. I read the Zell Miller speech first. Seemed tough, but not unhinged. Then I saw two seconds of him and it was like watching a harpy from hell screech at you. So I can see why people are freaked out about it, but I don't really think the Democrats will get much traction from it-- and the ranting about it being segregationist or whatever is just kooky (and quite blatantly bigoted-- as is much of the Bush hatred generally, of course, when it comes from sophisticates attacking his Southern speech patterns and, presumably, the stupidity that goes with talking like that).
5. Wasn't there a guy running with Kerry? Whatever happened to him? Dude, you go to the secret undisclosed location AFTER you win.